Lundi 25 juillet 2011

Otoplasty Beverly Hills - Facial Plastic Surgery Helping Beverly Hills Residents

Southern California is a beautiful place, providing its residents with beautiful weather and attractions making it easy for residents to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Many residents can gain and uphold a fit body by following an exercise regimen and watching food intake to gain desired physical results. But what about a method for reshaping facial features ? With facial plastic surgery, individuals can reshape and refine features of the face and combat signs of aging successfully.
In many cases when someone hears “facial plastic surgery” they automatically think about facial features specifically, however, facial plastic surgery may also be used to treat protruding ears. With an Otoplasty Beverly Hills residents can reshape ears that are too large or “stick out”. There are many individuals who may feel self-conscious or embarrassed with the position and size of their ears. An Otoplasty procedure (also referred to as “ear pinning”) brings the ears back to a more natural position. This procedure may also be performed on young children as the ears may be a main source of embarrassment and ridicule at their age.
Facial plastic surgery provides long lasting anti-aging solutions. Many individuals automatically think of facelift procedures or dermal fillers, however, each patient’s needs are different and each procedure treats different problem areas. With a Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery Beverly Hills residents can treat the eyes specifically if they may be drooping due to wrinkles and excess skin. Droopy lids may give patients a tired, aged, and even angry look in the face and can even obstruct vision. An eyelid surgery provides a more awake, refreshed, and rejuvenated looking, drawing the attention back to youthful and expressive eyes.
In Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty procedures are common among patients looking to reshape a nose that may be too wide, too long, too large, or has a nasal tip that is too rounded or pointed. A Rhinoplasty corrects these imperfections in the nose and refines and reshapes the nose to a contour that harmonizes with surrounding facial features for an overall improved facial profile. A Beverly Hills Chin Augmentation procedure may be performed in conjunction with a Rhinoplasty using facial implants for optimal facial contouring results. A chin augmentation can correct a receding chin and provide a chin that is more defined, giving the facial profile more definition.
Par eosrejuvenation - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 juillet 2011
Lundi 18 juillet 2011

Facelift Beverly Hills - Facial Cosmetic Surgery in Beverly Hills

With Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills residents and out of town patients receive nose reshaping carried out by expert cosmetic surgeons in a clean and safe hospital environment. It serves patients from Los Angeles and its surrounding areas. Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping is an operation to reduce and/or refine the nose. It is carried out under general aesthesia. Incisions are made in the nostrils, so there will be no external scars, unless the sizes of the nostrils are reduced. In this case, small incisions around the sides of the nostrils are necessary which are placed in the natural crease lines between the nose and cheek. The scars will initially be pink but will eventually return to normal skin color. Nose reshaping has been carried out for many years now and the vast majority of patients undergoing rhinoplasty gain a feeling of increased self-confidence due to the improvement of their perceived body image.
With a Facelift Beverly Hills expert surgeons carry out facelift surgeries for patients in Los Angeles and its surrounding areas. A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is an operation to lift the facial skin and underlying muscles, so that one’s face has a tighter and smoother appearance. It provides one with a more youthful appearance. There are several different techniques used to perform a facelift. In a full facelift the surgeon makes a surgical incision right around the hairline, past the front of the ear and sometimes under the chin, then carefully removes excess skin and fat and tightens the muscles. Facelifts are sometimes also performed only on the brow area, lower face or neck.
Droopy, tired-looking eyes can make people look sleepy, angry or even unhealthy. In Beverly Hills Eyelid Surgery is performed by a plastic surgeon that keep their cosmetic surgery patients looking healthy, happy and enthusiastic. It is the second most common aesthetic procedure performed today on men and women. Depending on the patients’ needs, one may benefit from upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, or a combination of both. Upper eyelid surgery trims away excess skin that gives one a tired “droopy-eyelid” appearance. Lower eyelid surgery removes bags and fat deposits from underneath the eyes.
A Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon can offer the highest level of care through a team-based approach, with bespoke nursing and anesthetic expertise, in a clinical environment with excellent facilities and infrastructure. Its surgeons provide experienced, professional and independent advice, including full discussions as to suitability, outcomes and recovery times.  
Par eosrejuvenation - 0 commentaire(s)le 18 juillet 2011
Lundi 27 juin 2011

Beverly Hills Eyelid Surgery - Common Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Procedures

Many individuals struggle with their self-image, feeling embarrassed or self-conscious about the way they look which also affects how they feel. Some may have an overall facial profile that is disproportionate or has a certain facial feature that draws unwanted attention, or some may feel like their face betrays their true age due to wrinkling of the skin. With a Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon, facial corrections and enhancements can be made that provide long-lasting to permanent results. It is the most effective means of facial contouring and anti-aging treatments available to residents throughout Beverly Hills and Southern California.

There are many individuals who feel self-conscious about the size and shape of their nose and this can affect their self-esteem as it may draw unwanted attention or even be the source of ridicule and embarrassment in younger individuals. With a procedure such as Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills residents can reduce and refine the size and shape of the nose to a contour that harmonizes with surrounding features in the face. Because each patient’s anatomy will differ, a facial plastic surgeon will need to use an individualized approach in bringing results for a nose that is aesthetically-pleasing. A Rhinoplasty may also eliminate breathing problems a patient is experiencing.

There are many men and women who are concerned with finding anti-aging strategies that are effective and affordable. The face is one of the first places to show signs of aging as wrinkles may be caused by repeated facial expressions, sun exposure, skin damage, and more. This makes for wrinkles around the eyes, along the forehead and jawline more evident and at times, simple dermal fillers don’t quite do the job anymore. With a Facelift Beverly Hills residents and out of town patients can significantly reduce wrinkles, sagging skin, and jowls in the face caused by natural aging. A patient may imagine results by thinking about how they looked 10 years ago. A facelift procedure may also be performed alongside a neck lift procedure if their plastic surgeon recommends rejuvenation of the neck area for optimal, youthful, and long-lasting results.

In Beverly Hills Eyelid Surgery specifically focuses on rejuvenating the area of the eyes that may have become droopy or sagged. An Eyelid Surgery procedure, or Blepharoplasty, reduces the excess skin of the eyelids, giving patients a more refreshed look and bringing the attention back to the eyes. An eyelid surgery procedure also allows patients to see more clearly as droopy eyelids can obstruct vision and make it difficult to see.

Par eosrejuvenation - 0 commentaire(s)le 27 juin 2011

Otoplasty Los Angeles - Beverly Hills and Los Angeles Facial Contouring and Rejuvenation


In this day and age, men have become just as self-conscious and aware as women. Both men and women have come to an understanding that looking and feeling great are all a part of being confident and outgoing. Many individuals seek professional recommendations when it comes to cosmetic enhancement, and no other method comes as recommended as cosmetic surgery when it comes to specific problem areas of the face and body. Facial plastic surgery has been the most effective and successful means to cosmetic enhancement of face. With a Facial Plastic Surgeon Los Angeles and Beverly Hills residents can seek out a professional for facial contouring and rejuvenation.

For some men, women, and children, the size and shape of ears can attracted unwanted attention and can often make them the subject of ridicule and embarrassment. With an ear reshaping procedure, or Otoplasty Los Angeles and Beverly Hills residents can reduce the size and shape of their ears so they don’t protrude or “stick out”. Otoplasty procedures have also been referred to as “ear-pinning” as the ears are somewhat pulled back. This procedure may be performed on children around the age of 6, while the cartilage is still flexible. Following the procedure, patients feel confident about the size and shape of their ears.

For other individuals, the nose may be the subject of unwanted attention and embarrassment as at times, the nose may be too dominating and overpowering as compared to other features in the face. When the nose seems to draw the attention of onlookers, it can make the individual feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. In Los Angeles and Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty procedures along with a facial plastic surgeon’s eye for aesthetics, the nose is reshaped to a pleasing contour that blends in beautifully with surrounding facial features. A Rhinoplasty procedure may also eliminate breathing problems and enhance the overall facial profile as well. Rhinoplasty results are lifestyle-enhancing as patients gain confidence in their new nose and overall beauty following the procedure.

There are a few facial rejuvenation procedures and techniques that are performed with an individualized approach tailored to each patient’s needs. A facial plastic surgeon recommends a procedure or treatment that will provide the most effective yet natural-looking results for their patients. For a patient who is concerned with the effects of aging, they may request a facelift of neck lift procedure for facial rejuvenation; however, a facial plastic surgeon may suggest a Blepharoplasty instead. With a Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery Beverly Hills and Los Angeles residents can rejuvenate the area around the eyes, where eyelids may be droopy; causing an individual to look tired and aged. A blepharoplasty focuses on bringing the focus of attention to youthful, expressive eyes.

Par eosrejuvenation - 0 commentaire(s)le 27 juin 2011

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